Social Responsibility Statement of the Board
The board of directors of ATC Worldwide Limited are very aware of the need within the international tobacco industry to maintain and constantly improve standards.
We are therefore committed to the following;
- To comply with all applicable national and international laws and regulations affecting our business activities.
- To establish procedures for assessing and reviewing the environmental, health and safety impacts of present and future activities on a regular basis.
- To provide sufficient resources to ensure the effective implementation of the Sustainable Tobacco Program (STP) criteria.
- To seek continually to identify pro-active and cost effective measures which will safeguard the health and safety of our employees and other personnel on ATC Worldwide Limited’s premises.
- To respect internationally recognized human rights, labour and social standards.
- To employ appropriately qualified nationals without discrimination of gender, religious persuasion or physical disability to fully represent all cultural and racial diversity within the Company.
- To ensure that our activities in no way harm or create environmental issues which may cause distress to local communities, natural habitat or ecological systems.
- To constantly strive to improve environmental and green policies within the Company and its subsidiaries places of work.
- To meet all applicable statutory requirements and maintain a zero tolerance policy towards any alcohol or drug abuse in the workplace.
ATC Worldwide Limited and all of its subsidiaries fully endorse the following comprehensive Social Responsibility and Tobacco Production policies. These Policies and Objectives are considered realistic and achievable.
Business Integrity Policy
Ensures that the Company and its subsidiaries deal responsibly, openly and fairly with present and potential customers. Further, a strict Ethical Procurement Policy is maintained ensuring all business transactions prohibit any form of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement.
Tobacco Growing Policy
Growing should be achieved through the Sustainable Tobacco Program in conjunction with sound Agricultural Labour Practices (ALP). A balance of economically viable production of leaf along with positive environmental management, will include the following practices:
- Reduce the reliance on agrochemical inputs.
- Promote afforestation.
- Ensuring that all wood utilised comes from re-afforestation programs or through approved suppliers using sustainable sources.
- Conserve and improve soil fertility.
- Protect water resources.
- Protect farmers’ health and reduce the level of hard (manual) labour.
- Optimise yields, quality and farmers’ gross margins whilst still ensuring both global and local competitiveness.
Other crop related issues addressed are:
- Observation of local and international legislation as well as internal guidelines preventing modern slavery and child labour.
- Not to use any form of genetically modified tobacco in our products.
Tobacco Processing Policy
We are committed to:
- Providing and maintaining safe and healthy working environments, including ergonomically safe systems of work for all employees and other personnel whilst on company premises.
- Maintaining awareness of the impacts of our activities on the natural environment.
- Providing a working environment free from discrimination against gender, race, colour or religion.
- Monitoring and treatment of liquid waste in accordance with local environmental regulations.
- Total prevention of modern slavery and child labour.
The Board recognises that change can occur quickly and it is up to all members and personnel concerned to be vigilant and make every effort to adapt and improve standards where applicable.
The effectiveness of the policy statement will be monitored and reviewed at least annually by the Board, to ensure the Company’s continuing compliance with evolving legislation as well as to meet new business requirements and to identify any areas in need of improvement.
The individual managers of each of ATC Worldwide’s subsidiaries are required to ensure full compliance with this policy statement and to strive to influence all partners, contractors and service providers to observe these standards.